Obituary in the year 1967
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
31.12. | victims all over the world | 0 | 6.320 |
23.12. | Maria Adam | 68 | 9.915 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
21.10. | Else Stange | 55 | 6.046 |
13.10. | Silke Andrea Tosch | 0 | 8.641 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
31.08. | Hermann Splieth | 69 | 5.933 |
08.08. | karl emil pressmann | 64 | 10.368 |
08.08. | Karl Emil Pressmann | 64 | 5.729 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
11.07. | Hinrich Ludwig Nordenholz | 70 | 10.657 |
07.07. | Vivien Leigh | 54 | 12.135 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
30.06. | Ernst Seyfferth sen. | 61 | 7.159 |
21.06. | Alberto Napoletano | 37 | 6.563 |
20.06. | Charlotte Wiewald | 45 | 6.066 |
08.06. | BRUNO Wegerhof | 23 | 94 |
08.06. | Bruno Wegerhof | 23 | 466 |
04.06. | Dirk Simon | 0 | 6.062 |
03.06. | Heinz Horstkoetter | 27 | 11.393 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
20.04. | Ganze Familie Ganze Familie | - | 4 |
19.04. | Konrad,Herman,Joseph Adenauer | 91 | 7.918 |
19.04. | Konrad Adenauer | 91 | 6.866 |
05.04. | E-Theresia Horstmann | 38 | 7.066 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
05.03. | Otto Moldenhauer | 74 | 10.931 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
24.01. | Elisabeth Brodesser | 69 | 19.136 |
This is a list of deceased persons in the selected year from the Online Cemetery.
The entries are in alphabetical order within each date.
The entries are in alphabetical order within each date.
The online cemetery in the internet, Grief Online
memorial visitors,
lit memorial candles